Authentic Joy


Initiation training: Authentic Joy – Awakening

Your life is the way it is because of all of your unconscious commitments. This is what you have created. This initiation training into the bright principle of possibility raises the question: What do you want to become?

You are a creator, and authentic Joy is your natural state of being when you are connected to your genuine feelings and creating from the source of your being.

The path to tapping this potential is to learn how to:

  • Feel consciously and know how to use feelings as a resource.

  • Embrace and integrate the distinctions needed to will reveal the source of creation inside you.

  • Navigate your inner world and tap your true potential.

When we understand the energetic laws of creation and are not afraid of feeling and experiencing the depth of our being, we can create what we truly desire.

In this three-day journey of awakening, you will you will get the tools and distinctions to heal yourself of the wounds and contaminations experienced by anyone who have grown up in modern patriarchal culture.

The workshop is a transformative space anchoring the bright principle of possibility in the context of AUTHENTIC JOY. It is fueled by your commitment to let extraordinary love and possibilities impregnate your life and let yourself be an instrument through which the bright principles of the universe can work.

Among the concrete things you will learn are holding space for Emotional Healings Processes (EHP’s) and begin learning how to:

  • Stellate the four basic feelings (anger, sadness, fear and joy).

  • Distinguish between feelings and emotions.

  • Unmix mixed emotions (depression, anxiety etc.).

  • Be at source for what you want to create.

  • Recognize when gremlin (underworld) is at work.

  • Recognize your bright principles and you hidden shadow purpose.

  • Navigate the three worlds (underworld, upper world and middle world).

Birthing a Gaian Civilization

This project is part of the Oberion Gaiaversity project aimed at birthing a Gaian Civilization. The Oberion is an archan learning network and cultural innovation hubspot contexted in AUTHENTIC JOY.

To create something genuinly different from what you have created so far, you need to become a new Self.

The heart of the Gaiaversity trainings are therefore initiatory processes that uncover your unconscious survival strategies, reconnect you to your source and offer opportunities to work in high vibration teams to create something truly different.

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